Jeff Mangum Performs Surprise Gig At Occupy Wall Street Protest

Neutral Milk Hotel’s Jeff Mangum has brought the fine US art of protest singing back to life with a surprise gig at the Occupy Wall Street protest.

During his short set in front of the gathered protesters he performed and led a few singalongs to some classic Neutral Mik Hotel tracks such as  Holland 1945, Ghost, Song Against Sex, Two-Headed Boy Part 2, In the Aeroplane Over the Sea, The King of Carrot Flowers Part 1, and Oh Comely.

Jeff Mangum performing at Harvard's Sanders Theatre in Sept.

Luckily some bright spark decided to record the proceedings. Watch out for the cheer after the line “we know who our enemies are” during Oh Comely. He rounded off his set by telling the crowd “you guys have done a beautiful fucking thing.”

For a so-called recluse Mangum, who is curating an ATP Festival in Minehead, UK, this December, is sure getting himself about a bit these days.

Makes up for the debacle last week when rumours that Radiohead were to perform at the protest proved to be unfounded.

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at
